Real right to information

Right to information act is like giving a lollypop to a child who is crying. I’ll say what is there in a government policy to hide? When they say “to the people for the people by the people” now the only thing that has to be hiding is the personal benefits that one is getting... Continue Reading →

Something fishy in minal episode

Recently in Bhopal (M.P) at Minal Residency demolition by Bhopal Municipal Corporation is done. Questions that everyone must have, is: Where were all these officials when construction was in progress in year 2000-2001? Where is the officer who has passed the plan of the township? All the ministers and official must be first accused for... Continue Reading →

Real republic

A question that always arise in my mind is if we should have right to know what steps government is taking for the development of our country. I think we must have all these rights. Through current system (yearly budget) we can never abolish corruption from our country. It can only be achieved only by... Continue Reading →

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