Caste Blind

You enjoy respect from people around you because of caste. You feel very proud to be from highest caste and mention your caste in every conversation. You don't leave any chance to make feel lower caste person smaller to you. You get a place to become a pujari or mahant in a temple because of... Continue Reading →

LA Selection (Legislative Assembly)

Election for Legislative assembly in Madhya Pradesh is scheduled on 25 November 2013 and crores of rupee will be spend and tons of paper will be wasted in the marketing. Yes marketing! because all  the companies (i.e. parties) new or old are launching their products in the market, which needs marketing. Definitely there are  few freelancers,... Continue Reading →

Leadership and crime

Who is a leader, if a leader means just being famous or impressive? Do you find any leader around? If yes, is the leader you following is leading you to correct path? Or the person is just the leader of his own selfish desires. If they are up to something they need, by directing the... Continue Reading →

Bharat Ratan

What is Bharat Ratan, Bharat ke ratan. Ratan like diamond and ruby are precious stones. It should not to be seen as an award, it's an honor given to the people who are like precious gems of India. As we know everything that shines is not necessary a gem. Glass also shines but it is... Continue Reading →

Something fishy in minal episode

Recently in Bhopal (M.P) at Minal Residency demolition by Bhopal Municipal Corporation is done. Questions that everyone must have, is: Where were all these officials when construction was in progress in year 2000-2001? Where is the officer who has passed the plan of the township? All the ministers and official must be first accused for... Continue Reading →

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